DocBook to html task


Process docbook to html within ant script, using DocBook XSL stylesheets.

ant4docbook let you writing ant script to process docbook

Html task parameters

Attribute Description Value Required
file docbook file yes
tofile output file <file name>.html yes
stylesheet custom stylesheet <my-stylesheet>.xsl no
css custom css <my-css>.css no
parameters output parameters no
Attribute Description Value Required
parameter output parameters no


<project name="docbook-ant-task-to-html" default="docbook-to-html">
	<taskdef name="dbk"

	<target name="docbook-to-html">
		<dbk file="docbook.xml" tofile="generated-html-file.html" />
	<target name="docbook-to-html-with-many-parameters">
		<dbk file="docbook.xml" tofile="generated-html-file.html" parameters="" />
	<target name="docbook-to-html-with-some-parameters">
		<dbk file="docbook.xml" tofile="generated-html-file.html">
		<parameter name="section.autolabel" value="1" />
		<parameter name="toc.section.depth" value="3" />